Character sketch of Danny
The story of the play script
‘Brother in the Land’ revolves around a protagonist Daniel lodger. A fifteen
year old teenager who lives in a small town named Skipley with his parents and
his younger brother named Ben .Danny is a strong and a muscular boy who was
invited by Charlie for badger hunting.
Before the nuclear attack, Danny was
unaware of the significance of his younger brother in his life ,after the
attack ,and his parents ,death his personality had a sudden change .He not only
became caring but protective towards Ben as he gave his coat to Ben when he was
feeling cold. In addition , when
Barnwell inquired Danny about Ben he warned Branwell to stay away from his
brother. Moreover when Danny’s mother passed away, he bursted in to tears as well as when he felt like
crying due to singing on Christmas day. Hence, Danny is a sensitive and an
emotional person. Furthermore, when he was taken as a prisoner by the civil defense
team during the ambush and when they interrogated him about MASADA he
instantly acted as if he was mentally
sick and he was successful to trick
them this proves that Danny is ingenious and diplomatic and possesses a
persuasive speech. Moreover, he was observant as he observed the inner map of
the Kershaw’s farm even through he was badly beaten up by Griffiths .
Besides this, Danny proves to be a
courageous boy who participated in the ambush even through he knew he could be
killed .In addition, he learned how to handle such situations like the ambush,
with determination and bravery. He is a merciful boy who not only saved Chris
when Kim was about to kill him but also saved Sophie’s father from getting
killed by Charlie during badger hunting .Shyness and meekness are one of the
attributes of Danny’s personality which can be proved when he could not ask Kim
out and could not express his feelings towards her which shows that he has a
composed personality .He has an affection for Kim as he comforted her when she
was depressed by the thought that they would never be rescued. Even through he had a good
relationship with others members of
MASADA therefore, he had a mutual
repulsion with Rhodes , as he was rude and
strict towards him all the time and along with this he killed his father
Robert Swindells also introduced
Danny as the Shadow man, a history teacher who conveys his expression through
his speeches to the young generation. This character has inspired me
throughout the play script through his impressive
behavior who tactfully handled the adverse situations and his experiences made
him more confident.